Kaarin digs deep to play some awesome submissions and releases. Artists played: The Subtheory/Bangulo, CZARINA, Cyberoptics, Soulcoholic, Mike Templar, Ion Pulse, Lazerbeam Sunset, Allan Zax, The Ocean Beneath, Lynth Sord, Alex Afilani, Midnight Fury, She Died in a Parking Lot, and more
Read PostKaarin's "Robisode" featuring a chat with the two Robs from Megatronix. Artists played: Shades of Thunder, The Subtheory/Bangulo, Sandor Gavin, L'Avenue, At 1980, Runaway Droid, Infra Violet, Vortex85, Lavallette, RoccoDestro, Coastal, GHOSTECH, C Z A R I N A, CFFNDRGGR, Neilio & ELYXIR, Megatronix
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