What is Club Nightride?
Club Nightride is a new way to experience Nightride FM. It's a virtual nightclub that places you right in the middle of the action! It's a great way to get out, meet friends, and listen to great music-- all from the safety and comfort of your own living room.

No Really, What Is It?
Club Nightride events are just like regular Nightride FM shows. You can tune in using Nightride.FM, YouTube, Twitch, and all of our other places. The only difference is the virtual reality component. The VR event utilizes an easy to use service called VRChat and when you connect, it will actually take you into a virtual nightclub. You can see the DJ playing, hear the music, and talk with friends in voice chat. It's like really being there!

How to get into the action
- Download VRChat and make yourself an account. To have the best experience, you will want a VR Headset such as Oculus Rift or an HTC Vive, but a VR headset is not required. You only need a Steam account and a decent gaming PC.
- Plug in your favorite headset microphone (Let's face it, we should all have one by now).
- Click FoxyFoo's link below and select "join"! You can also find her in a user search in world by typing FOXYFOO https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_3519790d-ed85-4cd1-965e-ffb99ba003e0
The Next Club Nightride Event is:
Tonight 12/14th at 8 PM EST
Links to follow or see Foxy for more!
CLick the link to enter!
Club Nightride
Looking for a little help getting into the world? Give our resident hostess FOXYFOO a shout!
You can find her in the user VR Chat user search or by clicking on the following link
Here's me :) Dennis G